Who We Are: Sold Vision Company for the Development of Solar Energy was established in 2019 and has executed various projects inside and outside the Kingdom. ‘Development is our approach, and ambition is our summit.’ We present the patent of Mr. Hassan Ahmed for what is called self-cleaning to maintain solar panels by installing cleaning devices on the panels with the self-operating feature, setting them to the appropriate time, and doing so repeatedly and regularly, which helps increase the efficiency of solar power plants
At our solar energy company, we prioritize unparalleled quality and robust solution.
Our solar energy company is trusted by customers to provide reliable and efficient solutions.
Our solar company is known for exceptional customer service and support.
لوريم إيبسوم هو ببساطة نص وهمي من صناعة الطباعة والتنضيد.
لوريم إيبسوم هو ببساطة نص وهمي من صناعة الطباعة والتنضيد.
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Marketing Manager
Executive Business Development Consultant
Anas Ibn Malik Street, Al Malqa District
Building No. 3990 - Riyadh
Patent for developing the field of solar energy through a self-cleaning system for solar panels to secure a safer future that preserves our beautiful nature
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